Thursday, April 6, 2017

Sprinkles and Blossom go to The Doctor

This is going to be a blog about any of my stuffed animals. So, we should tell you who is who. Larry is the one sitting at the laptop, Sprinkles is the skunk on the blanket, and Blossom is the one with the broken foot. Blossom has a broken foot because my mom has a broken foot. I forgot to mention that this is a blog that is being posted by Lindsay's daughter. Anyways, Blossom has a broken foot, and is having a checkup. Blossom and sprinkles are the class pets for my moms 2nd grade class. She is a TA for my school. I am not in second grade though, so I only get to see her at her lunch and my lunch.
       Later the stuffed animals will have a bath in the laundry machine, but for now, my blogs are short so, bye!

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